Adding the option to either split captures during full session, or record in one full session

When recording in some games there will be split recordings to sperate actual matches vs menu's/in-between games. It would be nice to have this feature an option vs the standard. For example Overwatch 2 used to not support this, so when recording the full session you would get just one solid video. Now that it does support this feature there are multiple split up clips. With how short overwatch games are I find this more annoying than helpful so it would be nice to choose the way it's recorded. For example I like to take clips of gameplay and also my friends and I talking, sometimes that means a clip could be not only the end of the game, but the moments after as we are going into the menu's. With how its split now it's a headache to try and put that together. I also find it way harder to look through the videos now because overwatch games are so short. If I play a longer session on the weekend or something, I could have 50+ individual clips due to the short games, in-between menu's, playing random custom modes while waiting for matches etc.

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  • Oct 19 2023
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