Imported/Exported Videos Categorization.

I love the video editor; it's lightweight and can drastically reduce a clip's size and length, as well as reduce potentially loud audio, making it more appealing to watch. However, something that I've noticed is after you've exported the video, it's categorized as just "Video editor export." While it's nice to have it in its own category, it would be a nice touch to have the game included as well, or even be able to set what game the clip is; this becomes a MAJOR issue when you look at imported videos. I recently experienced catastrophic errors with Outplayed and had to reinstall it entirely; in conclusion, all of my clips disappeared from the app itself, I still had my clips in the folder, but it's hard to view clips now. So now it's either have all 2000 of my clips be categorized as "Imported Video." causing all of my clips to be unsorted, or search through my clips by manually going through each folder and selecting them. The former is better, but having the ability to set an imported/exported clip as an Apex Legends clip or any other game on the list would be amazing.

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  • Oct 28 2023
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