Outplayed option - Spree Detection

If I have an 18 kill LOLfest of a round in Fortnite, or knock and then kill five players in under 3 minutes, I'll definitely want to save a continuous video of that firefight.

On the other hand, if I get killed in the first five minutes, or I didn't even get a double kill off, I know for a fact I'm not going to want to keep the recording.

Can this be done using rules? If so, maybe you just need six parameters - two enumerated in match:

  • Retention start point: (user specified) number of seconds before the first manual bookmark OR first bookmarked event

  • Retention end point: last manual bookmark / bookmarked event + (user specified seconds)

And four set in user settings

  • Minimum kills between start/end points (user setting)

  • Minimum knocks between start/end points (user setting)

  • Minimum spree count between start/end points (user setting)

  • Maximum time gap between spree events: (user setting, in seconds)

  • Save as spree: YES/NO

If # of kills OR knocks > (min spree count) between the start point and end point, then six knocks and 2 kills in 3 minutes will save as a single clip if the max time gap is 3 minutes. If another kill is achieved five minutes later the last knock/kill in the spree, it won't be recorded as part of the spree.

  • Guest
  • Dec 2 2023
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