Hearthstone - Recording until Menu

In Hearthstone, when Outplayed is set to automatically begin recording at the beginning of the game and stop at the end, the recording actually stops as soon as the game detects lethal input. Almost always this results in the recording stopping in the middle of the lethal animations. This looks very poor optically.

For example, this is what the end of a game currently looks like on auto-record.


I would like for there to be a option in the settings that allows you to buffer the end of a recording by a indicated value of seconds. It would be enabled/disabled, and when enabled, the user would input a value that indicates the number of seconds the recording should continue after the Outplayed software detects the end of the game. By overrecording slightly it allows the user to capture all the gameplay, and the onus would be on the user to trim these up or deal with the added storage usage.

PS - Pretty new to this recording software, so I apologize if I missed this feature already baked in somewhere. I would just record entire sessions at a time but frankly I don't have the storage capacity for a days worth of 1080p footage, or possibly even the time to review and cut up the material.

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  • Mar 29 2024
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