Add Mindustry to the game list

Mindustry is a not very well-known game, but incredibly fun! I like making videos about it, but my graphics driver is discontinued, so OBS doesn't detect anything, but Outplayed does and it's really inconvenient that I have to use the screen recorder when it would be really easy to integrate it into outplayed. Even if someone at outplayed denies this, maybe since it has community mods someone else might see this and make a mod for that, kind of like the Replay mod for Minecraft,

  • Guest
  • Apr 13 2024
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  • Entity Void commented
    June 17, 2024 21:53

    i also think it would be cool if there were timestamps for certain things like wave numbers. also maybe like, in the campaign, whenever the player loses a sector or starts an attack on a sector. and something similar in multiplayer as well