Outplayed only loads intermittently with Runescape 3 since upgrading to a Jagex Account

As title, Outplayed rarely loads when I launch Runescape 3 via a Jagex Account. It used to be fine when loading from the old client, but now they are rolling out Jagex Accounts which you have to play the game through once you have upgraded, Outplayed doesn't seem to recognise RS3 has launched (and does not launch itself). Manually loading Outplayed before launching RS3 also does not help it recognise the game. It means I can't record unless I choose manually to record the whole screen. Please can this be looked into to be fixed?

I have found the only way it loads is if I already have league of legends open and played that, then launch RS3 afterwards, but I don't always want to play league beforehand. Thank you in advance.

  • Lucy Jane
  • May 3 2024
  • Attach files