Game events - Among Us

So We Can Show Are Friends Where Better Then Them

  • Guest
  • Oct 11 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 02, 2023 19:53


  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2022 04:28

    I think not only kill and be killed are highlights, but reports, emergency meetings, sabotages are also highlights.

  • Guest commented
    March 06, 2022 02:28

    Dude the person who said theres already among us, this is an AUTO EVENT idea -_- Also if you dont want this idea, we didnt ask, just dont vote it, simple

  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2021 21:54

    For people who aren't just saying dumb things in the comments - This is an idea that could work, while also having Long Task Completes, and being killed as highlights, as well as a win/lose. But, sometimes funni kills would be nice to highlight.

  • Guest commented
    August 22, 2021 00:40

    among us is gay

  • Guest commented
    June 27, 2021 16:44

    first thats dumb and sec. you who asked if you can have his gta v go fuck your self retard

  • Guest commented
    November 07, 2020 00:49

    idk man theres already amung us on it

  • Guest commented
    October 31, 2020 08:37

    Hi can l have your gta v

  • +371