TFT - Augment and/or Anomaly selection recording

Hi! I'm using outplayed to review my games after the fact, and occasionally share clips with friends. It would be great if there were recordings of the augment/anomaly selection phases of the game.

Two big reasons - these are the best points to review, and can also be very hype.

1. Review

Augment selection only happens 3 times per game, and they are one of the most swingy macro decisions a player will make. These are actually some of the points that players will focus strongly on during coaching sessions. Did the choice you made align with your goals? Was the choice you made so strong that even though it goes against your current build's philosophy, it doesn't matter? These are questions you might reflect on after a game, and it would be great if I could use Outplayed for this sort of review. I currently only am able to see what I chose, or occasionally the first 3 options I was offered, but not what I rerolled, and how long I took to make the decision. Anomaly selection is similar, and happens once per game, though it's a set 13 only event so I'm not certain if this is as "worth implementing" as augments.

2. Hype

There are times when you are losing the game, and get the best augment for your situation on a platter, saving you from a bot 4. There are times when you have a great spot, and the augment that you just got pretty much wins you the game. You may make an unconventional pick when something else obviously seems better, but that choice ends up being the correct one. It's also fun at times to share how horrible the choices on your anomaly rolldown were just to show how you lost the game. Even for stream highlights, some of the more popular clips are "Got dropped BiS anomaly with no rolls PogO"

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  • Jan 19 2025
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