Add a toggle in Outplayed that allows a full captured video to play vs pausing at the end of each highlighted clip within the full video

Currently I capture full games of Dota2 and then begin watching. I'll skip to the highlights, however I want it to continue playing and not pause at the end of that highlight. This is particularly annoying when there are several highlights clumped together. I usually have to click on the video timeline a few seconds ahead to get it to play without pausing.

Instead, add a play toggle option that either will pause at the end of each highlight clip or not (within the full captured video).

  • Guest
  • Mar 10 2021
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2021 18:33

    I guess I am looking for the additional play option as suggested. My reason is mainly due to the fact that sometimes the autoclips cut off too early or when there are many clips stacked together (for example: a kill, a few assists, and then your death). I'd like to skip to the start of the first clip in that cluster and then watch from there. This new option would allow users to do that.

  • Admin
    Team Overwolf commented
    March 17, 2021 18:28

    You can toggle Autoplay option in the player settings. This will auto play the next event in the timeline after the current event is completed.

    To be able to watch the full video without a pause, you can play it without selecting any event. Click on the seeker and it will keep on playing until the end :)