Support osu!

  • Eyal Biran (EpicBrain) Outplayed Team
  • Aug 11 2020
  • Shipped
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    • Guest commented
      January 16, 2021 10:00


    • Admin
      Team Overwolf commented
      September 16, 2020 06:26

      Released in version 21.0.1030

    • Manivela commented
      September 08, 2020 21:13

      Another nice event would be capturing a hard part of the map (could be based on the points of failure that's displayed on the site or circle density)

    • Manivela commented
      September 07, 2020 09:24

      Also I noticed your comment on this when you moved it to planned I didn't get a notification for the comment even though I was following this. just fyi.

    • Manivela commented
      September 07, 2020 09:22

      Capturing the whole song when you Full Combo. And capturing the last X seconds on fail would be my suggestions for now. Very exited for this!

    • Eyal Biran (EpicBrain) Outplayed Team commented
      August 27, 2020 08:10

      Hi all, we want to support osu! and we need your help! What automatic events would you like to see?

    • Manivela commented
      August 14, 2020 20:44

      I haven't even thought about this before but this seems like the perfect game where automatic capture is what you want 🔥 I don't think the current capture last X seconds buttons would work with this though.