battlefield 1 highlights

image this in your mind: your squad is doing the best in a losing team and all hope seems lost in a 600 to 800 game till you and a squad mate make a terrifyingly cool play. you playing as a medic were healing your support class who was on his last leg and is on deaths doorstep one inch from the bell till you throw a med pouch at his face that saves his life and allows him to get 12 more kills on top of his already 15 kill streak before dieing, you bring him back and he gets 14 more kills... sounds like the perfect game clip right? another one: your playing as scout who is using the M1903 and are just waiting for someone to shoot. suddenly you see a assault class in your sight line. as you scope in you see ether a medic bag or a ammo bag thrown at him... you shoot and its cliped as a "no assist for you" clip and could be used as a POV meme clip. these are just two examples of the possibility's that could come to be amazing clips for ether a youtuber like TBAG with highlights of cool moments from the game like nice plays and epic saves like the first example, or there could be a meme factor within a type of clip like the second example. personally i think it should be the way with all the games in the list of games that are recorded and cliped but bf1 would be the 2nd best for it other than tf2 because tf2 is just a cluster muck of memes and cool plays

  • moki man
  • Jul 21 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 30, 2022 22:11

    agree with you man