D2 dont record full sessions, stop recording once player is returned to orbit

I dont believe an entire session of destiny 2 should be captured (as the video will be multiple hours) but instead do something similar like what is done in overwatch. Pieces of the game are recorded (ow i.e full matches, death matches, custom games), how this would work in d2 would be by recording specific pieces of the game, probably everything besides being in orbit, so whenever a player is returned to orbit the recording stops, it could be after exploring a world, doing gambit, crucible, vanguard activities, raids, etc.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2021
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  • Jonathan Sauter commented
    June 13, 2022 01:03

    please vote, im gonna post this to my discord to get some traction

  • Kyle Dawson commented
    September 02, 2021 01:51

    why does this not have votes lol