Make it user friendly!

Why choose this app? When there are multiple other apps that offer identical services, the convenience of using this app should outweigh the simplicity of using any others. Its assumed everyone using this app knows nearly everything about recording settings and what their functions are, but that isn't the case. Why take the hours of google crawling and researching old reddit posts when its so much easier to just Nvidia Share > Instant Replay > 20 mins and remember to click save after I do something cool. The convenience of Auto-clipping gets lost in the task of learning everything from which bitrates to use with certain resolutions, which encoders to use, along with figuring out which preset I should pair with those settings or if it even matters. Along with the fact that it comes paired with an addon manager that at times becomes resource hungry and has caused ping spikes without reason. I imagine the people taking these suggestions are users of their own app, and have personally tested each setting with multiple different resolutions/pc specs. Sharing your knowledge of the settings you found work the best, or at least giving a reference/guideline in a tooltip format would make it stand out from the 10s of other apps that are in Overwolf also. When there are so many programs that offer a nearly identical service, it's the small things that really stand out. I hope this doesn't come across as negative because I personally love the app, but I also just want to play Valorant without having to troubleshoot after each match :)

  • iLOG
  • Jul 31 2021
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Team Overwolf commented
    August 24, 2021 11:18

    Hi iLOG :)

    I think I have also seen your comment in our Discord and I have answered you there as well. In general - you should not change the default settings - we are already automatically selecting the best encoders/presets for your system. You can select a predefined quality settings out of our predefined combinations - these are our recommendations. What is "Bitrate" / "FPS" / "Resolution" is something that is already explained all over the internet - but we'll add some guides for it as well :)

    All the extra settings are for advanced users. Our community specifically requested most of the provided features - but it does not mean you need to change them.

    Creating a versatile settings that are super simple is challenging - if you have specific things you think we can improve please let me know - you can contact me directly via our Discord server @EpicBrain