manually deleting whole sessions if nothing of note happened that session

i would like if we could delete whole sessions. I personally dont know how much space one session takes up and i dont want my recordings to stay there longer then a day but deleting them manually is a hassle because i have to go one by one i would like a feature where you can set sessions to stay saved for a set amount of time or at least give us a way to delete matches in bulk so we dont have to worry about how much storage we use

  • emmanuel de los reyes
  • Aug 14 2021
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    • K2 commented
      January 31, 2023 09:26

      oh thank you, god bless you, that is what I was exactly looking for.

    • Admin
      Team Overwolf commented
      January 31, 2023 08:32

      Thanks for the feedback. There is a multi select option in the grid view, there you can select the entire session or sessions and delete it.

    • K2 commented
      January 30, 2023 06:38

      i am sorry but that is not what I need. Let say once my gaming session is over and i am presented with outplayed windows post match , then i need to manually delete all the videos presented in the window , there is no delete seeion button. What you are saying it that it keeps occupying the whole disk quota allocated in auto management which is not what I nee. Please look in to tha mtter and provice a better multi select and / or select session and then selede session option. Without this it is as good as not being able to manage videos/clips/recordings. manually deleting vieos still does not delete the entry in outplayed windows just in cae someone is wondering why not o so.

    • Admin
      Team Overwolf commented
      August 24, 2021 06:52

      Hello :) We actually got you covered! That's exactly what our storage Auto manage system does for you so you don't need to worry about it.

      Here is how it works:

      1) You set a disk size limit (10GB by defualt)

      2) You play your games and Outplayed capture them for you

      3) After you close Outplayed window, we'll check how much space your videos take and if you passed your storage limit - we'll clean old videos until quota is met

      Note that videos that are marked as Favorite will not be deleted (but are counted for quota)

      So, basically, review your matches after the game and mark the things you want to keep with a star - all other videos will be deleted automatically for you.