"No Audio Detected from Source [source-name]" Notification

If an audio source does not detect audio for more than 30s, display a notification warning you about it. This feature should be able to be toggled off in settings and have a "Don't show this again for this session" option. (Perhaps if it is possible, have the time that it takes to trigger the message an option in the settings.)

I've lost so much potential Squad footage using this app because either my Microphone didn't record, or my desktop audio didn't record. I think this is because I have bluetooth headphones, so my "default" audio device changes often when I switch from Speakers to Headphones. I started using this app so I don't have to configure software every time I go to play, and the fact that this bug(?) exists means that I still have to check my audio before a session.

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  • Oct 21 2021
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