Similar to YouTube, where when paused you can press ">" to move forward 1 frame and "<" to move backward one frame. Since capture maxes out at 60fps, being able to discern small changes in crosshair placement, recoil pattern, snap aiming accuracy etc. would be a huge boon to players using Outplayed to improve their gaming performance.
Thank you for all the awesome work you've done so far! This is head-and-shoulders my favorite Overwolf add-on, and I'll continue to support you guys however I can.
Released in version 82.0.3454
Moving frame by frame or even 1 second at a time would be a major help. Currently the arrow keys move forward and back by 5 seconds which is great but it would be even better to use the > < keys to do 1 second changes or even frame by frame like in this post!