Minecraft Error 422

Error 422 is a LOST and BROKEN version of Minecraft: Java Edition, with floating cacti, dead bush, and lilypads. And, after a few hours, an entity named ENTITY 422, Error422, or simply Glitch. This entity will observe your behavior then starts to attack. They have 3 abilities. There is crashing your game, which simply crashes your game and brings you to a not so peaceful red MINECRAFT logo with red letters in it all saying in big letters ERROR 422 and the window name is the :) emoji. And it can also kill you, and it softlocks the game until you die. And he can also scramble your inventory, and your screen will show a bunch of red encrypted text. Although he sounds invincible, you can kill him. If you get good enough armor, you can kill him IF he attempts to kill you, which is one of his hourly abilities. But, you cannot kill him with tools. You need what Notch tried to make a pig with. A creeper. If you expose him to explosions, he will take damage and eventually, die. He drops every single item in the game, including untextured blocks that are white blocks saying Untextured or something. He looks like a TV in the 1900's when the day is over after the national anthem. Attached is some images of encounters. Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU1TSFdUljM

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNgMIScG0As&t=5s

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  • Jan 24 2022
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