Merged idea

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In-game highlights Destiny 2 Merged

Destiny 2's game mode, Trials of Osiris, is a weekend based playlist. End goal of the mode it to complete a flawless ticket. You do so buy winning 7 games and losing none in order to receive the pinnacle of all loot, the adept weapon. In a perfect world, you will play a minimum of 7 games in order to complete this ticket. If a clip occurs on game 3, round 6, it is hard to pinpoint the exact timestamp of when the clip happened. I have a 60% keyboard so I am limited on the free buttons I can use to bookmark the timestamp. Whereas the other games I play (valorant, fortnite, and rocket league) have a highlights section. It is much easier to find the game opposed to sifting through 4 hours of gameplay. This feature would be a great edition. I have already recommended outplayed to so many friends. But I have a lot of friends who I can't recommend this too who use other clipping software's. The highlights feature is, in my opinion, what sets it apart from its competitors. I used the Trials of Osiris in my example but the monthly, Iron Banner playlist, is a respawn game mode. In some cases, 30+ kills can be achieved. That is a lot of gameplay to sort through and clip. My proposal if possible, would be to allow highlights on the PvP side of destiny. The PvE side could be quite chaotic. In certain strikes/raids you can gather 100+ kills. If the software is able to differentiate the modes and allow highlights in some and not for others, that would make this S tier. Thank you for considering this.

  • Guest
  • Feb 20 2022