The Moment of Kills deaths assits for Black Ops Cold war requested by B1ueGaming

Im tired of going through the long ass Highlights i get from outplayed from cold war just to find one kill or one 5 on or something i would love to easliy get to my kills and cut out my deaths or find the funny ass deaths so i can easily upload to youtube tik tok or any other social media like you have for valorant or fortnite or even Warzone and i really think the Community would agree and im sure they have already did add up the votes for something like this and you get 216 votes added up on all posts like this but no one person has im sure actually taken the time to look at all the seperate requests saying oh thats basically this one and there is a lot asking for this but we havent been on one thread because we dont know if its been said or not but i hope this helps the community

  • B1ue Gaming
  • Mar 2 2022
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