Hearthstone Recording Idea

So, the past couple days ive been using your app, as I've been wanting to make myself a YouTube channel for hearthstone standard play.. except I didnt know the programs to capture my laptop screen, more importantly, auto-start recording and auto-stop recording when the match ends by a number of seconds.. or whatnot.. I could have sword Outplayed had this option, but when i record by match, or starts recording when my match starts, then never stops recording until I then quit hearthstone after a match, or outplay, etc. so ive been working with it.. and i adore the program, but this is one thing ive noticed.. now, i may just be setting up outplay incorrectly, or there may be some loop somewhere in your code? I use to code myself and make apps, not to brag but for you all to hopefully offer me a betta tester gig, since im so poor.. broke, and taking care of my 75 year old bed ridden mother.. hehe.. na thats why im trying to start making a youtube channel for one of my favorite games.. i just need outplayed to work.. or figure out how to configure it properly.. cause i could be wrong, and outplay might work as intended, so i need to figure it out quick.. as soon you all might be the reason why I save my life! so thanks for even making the program.. its user friendly so far! Wonderful stuff! thanks!

  • Guest
  • Apr 20 2022