Add teleporter events, final boss battles, and more as recorded events in Risk of Rain 2, please!

Risk of Rain 2 is a very popular game right now, with overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam. Adding more options than just recording the entire run (which can go from a few minutes to an hour, if not more) will definitely help people who play this game and want to share their highlights with others.

From what I've seen in other requests pertaining to this game, trying to skim through the recordings of longer runs right now can be exhausting for some people.

A few highlights that could be worth adding include the following:

> Survivor selection.

>Exiting the escape pod.

> Activating a teleporter, the primordial teleporter, the teleporter to Bulwark's Ambry, triggering map specific events (i.e. death do us part in Abandoned Aqueduct, the pillars in Commencement, the Cell Vents in the Void Fields, the Deep Void Signals in the Void Locus), etc.

> Visits to the Bazaar between Time.

> Boss fights (teleporter bosses, artifact bosses, final boss, etc.)

> Times you reach a low HP threshold, but don't die.

> Times you deal a high amount of damage to an enemy.

> Times you pick up a red item.

> Deaths, obliterations, Dio's Best Friend activations, and/or when you win the game.
Of course, there could be more. If any of you have any other ideas of highlights you'd like to be recorded, comment below.

  • Aether126
  • Jun 2 2022
  • Attach files