800m people play Minecraft and no Highlight now look at Rocket League, it has almost six million players a day, with over 90 million players logging in... that's nothing compared to Minecraft... make your people happy!
I'm a streamer and about to be a Minecraft youtuber I recently got outplayed hoping I can use this to record my best moments but seems like I cant I might just better well uninstall but if you guys can make this for me it surely will make my day!
I am a minecraft streamer and youtuber and i got outplayed only for this game but I would like to make a montage or 2 about minecraft instead of filming for 5 hours then I have to go back and edit all of that? It would make a lot of people happy if you added minecraft kills and wins even bedbreaks for bedwars if you could. I know for sure more people would install if they knew that you could use it on servers.
minecraft will be best
can they add the highlights option
800m people play Minecraft and no Highlight now look at Rocket League, it has almost six million players a day, with over 90 million players logging in... that's nothing compared to Minecraft... make your people happy!
I'm a streamer and about to be a Minecraft youtuber I recently got outplayed hoping I can use this to record my best moments but seems like I cant I might just better well uninstall but if you guys can make this for me it surely will make my day!
I am a minecraft streamer and youtuber and i got outplayed only for this game but I would like to make a montage or 2 about minecraft instead of filming for 5 hours then I have to go back and edit all of that? It would make a lot of people happy if you added minecraft kills and wins even bedbreaks for bedwars if you could. I know for sure more people would install if they knew that you could use it on servers.
i wanna play minecraft java and streamđŸ˜¢
make it happen man 738 million people have it as of 2021 compared to less than 100m in COD warzone like bruh???
also (if its not included with minecraft java) add lunar client and badlion client support
add it, its usable in hypixel bedwars, duels, and much more.
i got out played because i thought it already did this for minecraft so its kind of sad that it doesn't :/
yes i would enjoyed it
yes please
yes please ad it
Yep, espetially when playing minigames like Hypixel
Yes it really needs this
I play Java servers all the time as well. This would be very useful to me! +1 vote