Game events - osu!

Instead of having the whole game session recorded, let's have only the passed maps recorded. From the start of the map to the score screen at the end. I feel like recording scrolling through your collection of songs is just a waste. And recording maps you failed, I also feel like it's a waste.

  • DrFormer
  • Sep 21 2020
  • Attach files
  • Mark Sivikov commented
    8 Nov, 2022 12:11am

    Also adding an option to record a highlight only upon setting a new record and passing the map for the first time would be nice.

  • Guest commented
    10 Aug, 2022 04:59pm

    how about shipping this out? i feel like osu has been overlooked quite a lot

  • Guest commented
    28 May, 2022 07:20pm

    any updates on that?

  • Malakai S commented
    28 Apr, 2022 12:43am

    Yes please!

  • Guest commented
    4 Nov, 2021 08:47am

    recording failed plays would be nice if you want to show off your 5 second god mode right before you failed. recording multi's would also be nice so you can flex that you beat your friend in a 1v1 or something.

  • Guest commented
    12 Dec, 2020 06:08pm

    I would really enjoy it, anything else just takes a ton of storage because 80% of my session is scrap.

  • Guest commented
    10 Nov, 2020 08:23am

    maybe have failed recorded aswell, so if there is like an amazing run you choke you can show your friends your pain

  • +155