Dead by Daylight Highlight capture.

Hello dear Outplayed team,

i think a highlight system should be able to record everytime you get hit as survivor or when you hit someone as killer to be able to watch the hit later on.

you should also be able to capture every stun that you recieve or give, aswell as every flashlight save ranging from 15 seconds before and after the save to be able to adjust it. Grabs should be recorded aswell.

You could also make it so it just starts recorded as soon as a chase starts but that would be too inconsistent as some killers like spirit, ghostface and a few others make you loose chase cause of their power (even tho they are still chasing you). it would still be a nice option to be able to activate or deactivate in the settings :3

You could also have every chase record for a fix 5 minutes since most chases dont take this long.

Anyway its just a small idea i would love to hear feedback and ideas of other players aswell as to how we can improve this.

Kind regards


  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2022
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