Click to delete or click to save

For games that do not have highlight capture, like tarkov, could we get a pop-up after each raid asking us if we'd like to save the clip that was just recorded?

Just simply a quick pop-up once recording ends asking if you'd like to keep or discard the recording. If you hit save, have the option to write a note. This way you can identify why you saved it. I tend to write down notes of what I did wrong after deaths, to become a smarter player. This feature would make Outplayed stand out, and allow me to outplay others more often.

This would also prevent a hard drive filling up and having to get through hours of footage to find the ones you wanted to keep because there was a good fight, lots of XP, or something cool that happened.

  • R G
  • Dec 21 2022
  • Attach files
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