Highlight Ultrakill - Room Clears + P Ranks

So ULTRAKILL is perfect for this kind of software, played at a decent level, ULTRAKILL room clears can be impressive and satisfying. I see that ULTRAKILL is available on OUTPLAYED, but there are no events setup currently, and I think that's a huge shame

I think Outplayed should have a function to record ULTRAKILL when entering a room where enemies spawn, and the replay should only save when the room is cleared.

I don't think that'd be too hard to implement, and I think it's better than the "Full Session" that's currently the only way to record.

There are a couple things an ULTRAKILL player would like to record, but the most important is room clear. When they finally beat that hard boss with an high rank, or when they find a specific room clear gratifying, an ULTRAKILL player will want to see that again.

Full level clears could be interesting too, but it'd definitely be reserved for P ranks, which a player can get by beating a level from start to finish without dying and by killing every enemy on the main path while having to do it quickly and with style. This is the main objective people go for, so have an option to only record successful P rank runs feels like a no-brainer

As I've said, ULTRAKILL is the perfect game for this kind of feature. It has clear Start and End points to goals that are best candidates for replays

I hope you find a way to add this kind of feature

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  • Aug 4 2023
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