Edit sound of clips, Separate Game sound from Discord sound or browser sound to avoid noise on clip.

Ever faced a problem where during your highlight, your teammates in your lobby being so loud, or someone came inside your room making so much noise or maybe out of nowhere you hit a clip but you were listening to a podcast or music.

With this feature whenever you check out your clips, you will see 4 bars to edit (maybe even 5 if outplayed wants to

1 for video clip

1 for game audio

1 for general audio (or 1 output for communication like discord and other output for media like browser and such)

and 1 for your mic audio

You were listening to music? no problem, just mute the entire general audio clip. What if you want to hear your discord mates, reacting during your clip but except some other times, just head on over to "General Audio" pick the parts where you want to be heard and mute the other parts.

What if someone came inside your room and started vacuuming, just go on to the mic bar and mute it.
This feature is a great way to avoid scenarios where your discord mates are being toxic or being too noisy that you just can't share to the internet and have to mute the audio instead.

  • Aaron Yang
  • Aug 22 2023
  • Attach files
  • Aaron Yang commented
    August 22, 2023 05:11

    While yes there's "record game sound only" this would mean discord won't be recorded, but sometiems you want those reactions to be heard but mute some parts.

    sometimes you want to mute yourself as well but can without muting the entire clip.

    I know this feature has been posted a lot but I tried posting my own input for better clarity and to explain it in a much simpler way