Suggertions for Highlights/auto capture modes for MTGA - Magic The Gathering Arena

For Highlights or auto capture mode for MTGA

***Wins (of course), Losses, Draws yada yada.

*** Instant speed removal of a creature

either exile or destroy as the removal effect

additional options for it

1. during their turn

2.during your turn

***If there is a way to identify Infinite combos then sweet, if not then as a contingency, this could be captured with the next suggestion

***Turns that take over 2 or 3 minutes

This usually happens when:

a) The player is either combo'ing off - great things to highlight

b) stuck with a hard decision to make - which can lead to either very boring footage, or footage that shows how you overcame a very hard solution and made an excellent set of decisions/plays that led to an overall impactful turn in the game or improvement of the board state in the players favour).

c) doesn't know what they are doing -boring footage

d) roping or AFK-ing - boring footage (but can be good footage as it's sometimes what people do when they know they have lost, so catching the opponent roping is them accepting defeat like a 5 year old, and capturing the things that led to this moment can be good footage. or f

*** Turns where over 4 things were put on the stack at once:
This often shows players responding to each others moves, and can often be quite interesting to see how each response either anticipated the next response, or totally blew the other players out of the water... it could also just be a counterspell fight, which in and of itself can be satisfying.

***Turns where over "X" or 5 spells were played (by 1 player, or additional option, by either player)

***Wins in Under 5 or "X" turns (or the number could be adjustable)
or wins in under "X" minutes
Generally games wont be won before turn 3-4 at max.
But opponents can forfeit before hand.
This keeps the video's short and file size smaller. So instead of just every win (sometimes games can be 20+ minutes) it allows for the disk space worried user to have more control over the size of videos that are recorded.

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2023
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