Merged idea

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Have deleted videos be sent to the recycling bin so they can be restored easily Merged

If you delete a video on accident or maybe it was a subject of auto manage, having them be sent to the recycling bin might be the easiest process of recovering a video. Most programs I've used to try and recover a lost video were unsuccessful and it really hurts having it gone forever, especially if it was by mistake. Having an easy way to simply recover it with it still being technically "deleted," would be extremely helpful for those certain situations. Maybe if that doesn't work, maybe it can be a setting that's turned on so they're either sent to the recycling bin or just deleted outright.

  • Guest
  • Mar 17 2022
  • Guest commented
    November 27, 2022 07:51

    PLEASE make this a new feature. ive seen so many people saying they deleted a video/clip on accident to many times for this to not be a feature