Favorited Video/Clip Icon in Sessions Tab

I propose an idea to add a star on saved videos that are visible in the "Sessions" tab.

I have videos that I have favorited, but I am unable to see them in the "Sessions" tab. I would have to individually check if they are favorited.

I don't like to take the time to look at individual videos or clips to see if I favorite them to manually exclude them from being deleted (especially if I have like 15+ videos from different rounds/games from multiple playthroughs).
When videos are recorded, I am able to see games/rounds that I have won that have trophy symbols on the videos that are saved in "Sessions", but I am unable to see any symbols that signify that I favorited a video.

I believe it would benefit those who don't really care about the majority of their video and don't want to take the time to go through ALL their FULL 20+ min gameplay or their 20+ clips to try and delete them.

Auto delete is a feature, but I would still like to see which videos are favorited from the Sessions tab

  • Guest
  • Oct 23 2023
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    Team Overwolf commented
    October 24, 2023 07:44

    Session card can contain more than one media, please ping me on Discord so we can discuss the right solution.