So, i thought i was smart.
I got my 2TB external hard drive and have been transferring all my outplayed videos onto that hard drive.
Then on my laptop i installed Outplayed, addressed the directory to the folder i have all my save files to and expected to see a full list of videos on the app that i could now just sort through and save my favorite plays.
Although it seems Outplayed didn't like my idea....
My idea is ...... it'd be great if Outplayed could pick straight up off the directory its been applied to and you could use it as a "player" per-se.
This way i wouldn't have 150, 45 minute long videos to find the best plays of the match.
It also makes a lot of sense for content creation as it allows you to stock content then adequately and efficiently sort through the content when ready, without being pressure to do, since you'd be running out of disc space on the main PC.
I hope this makes sense.
Love to hear your thoughts :)