Crop to 16:9

It is very usefull for game play recording to those like me that use UWS Ultra Wide Screens, What it dose is during game recording is it completely removes the black bars giving you an standard recorded clip at an proper suppoted res without black bars medal tv dose this its an adavance feacture called video aspect ratio crop to 16:9

  • Guest
  • Sep 11 2022
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  • Guest commented
    February 29, 2024 08:57

    I can input on this:

    The option to force aspect ratio to 16:9 transforms the image, so if there are black bars in game it will include them. This is particularly bad when looking at 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratios. It's especially notable with Valorant where it forces large black bars. Trying to share clips from Outplayed means they will have to look at a heavily zoomed out video of the clip.

    Having multiple options for the capture crop and stretch would help for most people with different aspect ratios. Namely crop to 21:9/16:9/4:3 and force stretch to those same values.

    As mentioned in the earlier guests comment, Medal does do this by just cropping to 16:9 instead of stretching, and it was the main reason for me using it personally.

  • Guest commented
    September 12, 2022 07:17

    Yeah correct something like that would be awsome for those of us that use Ultra Wide screens, Medal TV have implemented it into theirs and it works very well (Crop to 16:9) It removes all the black bars leaving you with the game play only as if you were playing on an standard 1080, If you have an ultra wide screen and want to check out how they have done it its in the Adavanced Recording in there Recorder, So something like that would be super awsome for outplayed I hope this helps understand the functionality

  • Admin
    Team Overwolf commented
    September 12, 2022 07:01

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    There is an advanced option in the capture settings to force the video aspect ratio to 16:9. Currently the only option is to stretch it. Would you like to add a crop options - stretch, fill, and crop - to this settings?