Uploading To Outplayed Post Stream

Serious thought and question.

Would it not be beneficial to be able to upload post stream? The stream quality via; FB, Twitch and YT, can more often than not, be choppy. Why should it not possible to have a saved video file uploaded to the Outplayed app.


-Better quality

-Ability to upload past streams

-Ability to mash up multiple streams for a seemly transition

-Less worrying about clips being actually clipped via AI

-More reliable


-Potentially long upload times, depending on systems/internet

-File corruptness

If someone would be able to explain why this is not a potential function for the near future, I would like to understand. If it is not possible, so be it, But in the same token, could Outplayed be able to screen capture your OBS preview screen? This would allow for more reliability as well as offer security.

I only ask and suggest these ideas because with the Outplayed app, I gave it a shot. And in that trial, it immediately turned me away because of its inability to screen capture gameplay while I recorded with OBS. If there is a work around, I would appreciate being enlightened. But not be able to capture my actual stream is saddening. Unless there is another app under the Overwolf branch?

Thank you

  • Guest
  • Apr 2 2022
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